Friday 3 September 2021


As much as people do not think that crocheting or forming material for something useful is not a form of art, guess again!  These beauties are right out of my imagination.  I've been crocheting my own hats for a few years now and have been afraid to show them off due to criticism claiming they are not real art.  I get some strange looks wearing them, but I've seen a lot stranger things on people's heads.  Feel free to comment or if your interested in one, please email me at  Sorry for such a long spell between postings, life is in constant change and I must change with it.  Have a great day and take care. Hope to hear from you soon!


Friday 14 April 2017


Over the years, I have drawn many a landscape on the smaller scale. Little nooks and  crannies that are filled with moss or roots. Places where the mysterious mushroom lives it short life. I am fascinated with the beautiful fruiting fungi and their many colors and shapes they come in, never mind their names! I usually do studies from my mind, rarely using photos or sitting out in the middle of the woods trying to capture a fleeting moment. This particular drawing is of  a small area visited by a gnome, who is smiling and shows no worries. Even though this art work is pure fiction due to the knowledge that morels and puff balls grow at different times of the year and in different environments, it's the possibility that this could actually have taken place or how did it get seeded in my brain? That is the magic of art, anything is possible. This piece is done on card stock with pen and ink. For more information, please feel free to leave a comment. Enjoy!

Friday 17 March 2017


Here's a video that's floating around youtube and other places. I realize that it hasn't gotten that much attention yet but I'm only in the process of understanding this whole advertisement concept on the internet. It can become confusing and you better keep you password bible by your side. Anyway, this video is a collection of about 20 years of work, some are even incomplete, but I've seen many artists show incomplete work and you never see the finished piece. The sound track is even something I composed a few years ago. I do have another piece in the works and I hope you stay tuned for that. I'm using this video to advertise myself as an illustrator as well as an artist. I realize it is nothing fancy, but I like the rawness of it all. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday 14 March 2017


This is one of my favorite pieces of work, I've only done the one so far because I'm having trouble finding places to put things! One year, my partner and I went out collecting old tree stumps because I was thinking of creating some deck chairs, but the idea got changed into a "mushroom chair". There is no other one that I have seen anywhere and I have more stumps to work with for future projects such as this. I would say the most expensive part of this project is the cow hide for the covering. It's a piece of furniture that has to be placed just right so as not to catch a foot on that one root that is the prime key for the balance of the chair. Room corners work well for placement. If interested in such a piece, leave a comment and I will get back to you.

Tuesday 7 March 2017


Wood burn art isn't something I've done a lot of in the past, but I have stumbled through it. When I say stumble, I mean the tool for the job doesn't allow for mistakes or shaky hands due to the fact that your hand is set so far back from the point that touches the wood. This little piece I did is called "Gnome". I started with the burn stick for all the dark parts and shadows and then added pencil crayon for all the color. My daughter is now the proud owner of this piece and I'm in the process of learning more skill with wood burning. Should have more in the future for show.

Sunday 5 March 2017


These drawings, inspired by nature, have a certain cartoon like characteristic to them. I seem to focus on the smaller aspects of nature and make them take on exuberant proportions. Giant mushrooms versus tiny mountains sort of idea.  There are also the amazing hoodoos that are a huge inspiration to creating unique pieces of art.  I usually take the basic shape of certain landscapes and natural studies and distort them in order to get out what I see in my mind's eye.  These are both pen and ink on card board and artist's paper.

Saturday 4 March 2017


I have always been fascinated with the ethereal world of fairies, angels, etc. These are just two of my pieces depicting fairies. Sometimes you have to look real close to be able to see them.  I sometimes hide them very well because they are a big part of nature and are usually disguised in the colors and hues of the foliage.  The first piece is done in ink on a birch block and the piece underneath is done in ink on artist paper.  These are just a few of the ones I want to present to you. If you are interested in any of these pieces, please feel free to leave a comment.